Serving up Savings
The holiday season is just around the corner and soon, festive music will flood the airwaves, sparkling lights and decorations will adorn homes and businesses, and good tidings will abound.
Playing it Safe Online - October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month - By Anne Prince
In today’s world, most of us don’t leave the front door unlocked. We protect our homes, loved ones and valuables from intruders with locks, alarms and other security measures.
Spooky Energy Savings - By Abby Berry
This spooky season, we’re sharing a few energysaving tricks so you can treat yourself to lower energy bills. Here are four simple ways to summon the spirit of energy efficiency.
Ways Cooperatives Grow
October is National Co-op Month, and Clay County Electric Cooperative is joining cooperatives across the U.S. to celebrate. Co-ops come in all shapes and sizes, but they each have a common goal: to provide goods or services for the members of the co-op.
Benefits of replacing old equipment, appliances - by Mitch Ross
Growing up, we had a patriarch in our church whose home we would visit. It was a very traditional environment with traditional values.
Considering Solar Panels?
If you're considering installing solar panels please read our net-metering policy before making a commitment and review our interconnection process flowchart.
CHESS Program
In the game of chess, there are winners and losers. But when it comes to our Comprehensive Home Energy Savings Solution (CHESS) program that saves members money, there are only winners.
Paying your bill online? Use CAUTION!
Avoid Third Party Payment Options
Clay County Electric members have many options, when it comes time to paying their bill. We strongly recommend avoiding using third party vendors to make payments.
Use Smarthub to report outages quickly!
Our Smarthub app is more than just an online payment system. You can use it to track your energy use, update your contact information and even report power outages quickly.
Seven Guiding Principles
Check out the seven guiding principles Clay County Electric adheres to.